Yes, it is believed that a car accident can trigger the symptoms of fibromyalgia. In fact, fibromyalgia is common after car accidents, especially if there was whiplash or a neck injury—but potentially in other accidents as well. Here’s what you need to know:
- There is some debate about whether a car accident can truly “cause” fibromyalgia or if it simply causes similar symptoms
- Nonetheless, it’s common for car accident victims to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia after the accident, even if they never had it before
- A car accident claim should cover treatment for all conditions caused by a car accident, whether they are fibromyalgia or not
How does a car accident cause fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is not a condition that’s well understood by doctors. What we do know is it’s not a single “disease” but rather a set of symptoms that often manifest at the same time or close together. These symptoms include:
- Generalized pain throughout the body
- Tenderness or increased pain at some joints
- Abdominal pain
- Headaches
- Depression
- “Fibro fog” or a sort of brain fog feeling
- Extreme exhaustion
Additionally, fibromyalgia is considered chronic. It can potentially be lifelong, and it often takes months or years of treatment to reduce symptoms and manage the condition. Some fibromyalgia patients believe that changes in diet and lifestyle can eventually cure fibromyalgia, or at least relieve it so that it no longer affects day-to-day life. However, these claims are uncertain and there is no definitive cure.
With car accidents, however, there’s some disagreement. What we know for sure is that it’s common for patients to manifest the symptoms of fibromyalgia after a car accident. Often, this starts with whiplash and the neck pain that commonly goes with it. But then the pain spreads throughout the body, the classic fibromyalgia symptom. From there, the complete set of fibromyalgia symptoms set in.
On the other hand, fibromyalgia conditions that start after an accident aren’t always chronic. Research suggests that many car accident victims see their fibromyalgia symptoms go away within six months (though not always).
This raises questions about whether the symptoms are truly what we call fibromyalgia, or if they are happening for some other reason. Because doctors aren’t sure what causes fibromyalgia in the first place, it’s hard to know why it may be a temporary condition for accident victims.
Will insurance pay for my fibromyalgia after a car accident?
Yes, it should. In Georgia, victims have a right to recover all of their treatment costs related to an accident. It’s not up to the insurance company to decide what treatment you need or what health condition you have. That decision is squarely up to your doctor and care team.
But that doesn’t mean insurance companies will pay if they can get out of it. Many will argue that the fibromyalgia was not caused by the accident. Or, they’ll claim it’s not as bad as you’re saying it is. This can be devastating, because many fibro patients are unable to work or potentially even walk around the house.
A good car accident attorney can help prove your case and show the connection between your fibro and the accident. Let us put you in touch with some of the best accident lawyers in Atlanta. Call us at (404) 341-6555 or fill out the form to the right to get a FREE consultation today.