The state of Georgia during the holiday season can be a traffic nightmare. So, it only stands to reason that the number of car accidents in Georgia increase around the holidays.
For one thing, with the holidays come more distracted drivers on the road. They’re either checking their GPS or talking on the phone, or perhaps even texting to find directions or announce their arrival. There are more out-of-towners who are unfamiliar with the roads, and it all makes for an accident waiting to happen.
2017 Statistics
The Georgia Department of Public Safety reported an increase in the number of traffic-related fatalities in 2017 with 11, which was up from 8 the previous year. However, one positive statistic is that Georgia’s number of fatalities for the entire year was down to 1,499 from 1,561 the previous year. This is inspiring, considering that Georgia came in fifth (34%) on the list of states with the biggest rise in motor vehicle deaths from the period of 2014 to 2016.
The state’s catchy Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign seemed to aid that reduction and has caught on in every other state. Another thing that helps pull up these numbers is the popularity of ride-sharing services, like Lyft and Uber. The less people on the road in their own cars, the less the chance of an accident.
2018 Labor Day Statistics
At first, you may not think Labor Day would be a dangerous day to drive. But when you remember the people who are driving home after having a drink at a backyard barbecue, it begins to make sense. In 2018, the number of traffic fatalities in Georgia (18 in total) were double what they were in 2017.
Further, arrests and accidents related to DUIs also increased from 2017 to 2018. The number of crashes increased from nearly 400 to nearly 450, and the number of arrests increased from about 250 to 332. When you increase both the number of drivers on the road, and the chances that those drivers will be under the influence, the fact that accidents increase in Georgia around the holidays becomes a sad reality.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury or has been involved in an accident involving a wrongful death, our lawyers can help.
Tips To Prevent A Holiday Accident
No one wants to get into an accident, but especially not at holiday time. The holidays are a time for joy and spending time with loved ones, not recuperating in a hospital bed, or stressing out over the finances involved in replacing or repairing your car.
While there’s no real way to avoid getting into an accident, you can take steps to do all you can to prevent one from happening. For one thing, never get behind the wheel while drunk or under the influence. And never text while driving or talk on the phone unless you have a hands-free device.
Don’t check your GPS while driving either. If you’re lost, pull over and gather yourself before continuing your journey. Even better, plan out your route before you go. This way, you will minimize the chances of your needing to stop short or slow down unnecessarily, as these behaviors can cause an accident.
Be sure to slow down during bad weather, and always keep an eye out for bad drivers. While they may not be paying attention, you can certainly be vigilant about protecting yourself and those in your car.
Deadline To File A Claim
The holiday season can be the worst time of year to file an accident claim. Everyone is on vacation, no one’s in the office, and those who are in the office are focused more on holiday prep than on work. However, it is imperative that you file your claim sooner, rather than later, to show that you are serious about your claim. If you wait too late to file, you may be accused of making the whole thing up, or of not need the money as much as you say you do.
The statute of limitations to file a claim in the state of Georgia is two years from the date of the accident. If you don’t want to be bothered with handling accident paperwork around the holidays, we don’t blame you. That’s why we’re here: to help.
If You Were Injured In A Holiday Car Accident, Call Us!
If another drive in the state of Georgia ruined your holiday season by causing an accident, you may be able to sue him or her for damages. Fill out the form to the right or call us at (404) 341-6555 to speak with one of our skilled Atlanta car accident lawyers. We have years of experience getting clients the settlements they deserve.
We offer a free consultation with no obligation to retain. We will review the facts of your case and advise you on what your next steps should be – with or without our help. We collect no fees unless we win, so you have absolutely nothing to lose. Call us today!