Going through a head-on collision leaves you with questions—how serious are my injuries? Who’s considered at fault? Can I collect insurance money, and if so, how much is a fair amount? Our attorneys are here to help. Let us give you a FREE phone consultation. We can answer your questions, help you plan your next steps, and tell you whether you have a valid claim. Call us at (404) 341-6555 or fill out the form to the right to get your free consultation today.
- What makes a head-on collision different from other accidents?
- Who is considered to be “at fault” in a head-on collision in Atlanta?
- What kind of injuries are covered by head-on accident claims?
- How much money can I collect?
- The insurance company already offered me money. How can a lawyer help me?
- How do I know if I have a valid head on collision claim?
- Talk to an Atlanta Head-on Accident Lawyer for Free
What makes a head-on collision different from other accidents?
Head-on collisions happen when the front end of one vehicle strikes the front end of another. They are different than many other types of accidents because they’re almost always serious. Head-on crashes accounted for just two percent of all accidents in 2005, yet they caused 10 percent of highway fatalities.
The reason head-on collisions are serious is that the vehicles involved are moving, often at highway speeds, and slam to an immediate stop. In many kinds of accidents, one car hits another and then both cars move, somewhat cushioning the blow. But in a head-on collision, each vehicle is exerting force on the other, so when impact happens, there’s no “give.” A head-on collision is the equivalent of running into a cement wall.
If you are involved in a head-on collision case, attorneys might ask for your deposition. You must answer a series of questions under oath in the presence of lawyers, typically in a conference room at a law firm or another venue.
What happens after deposition in a car accident case depends on how the events unfold. If the case reaches trial, the deposition transcript can serve as valuable common grounds for the opposing legal teams.
Who is considered to be “at fault” in a head-on collision in Atlanta?
Two vehicles shouldn’t be going in opposite directions at the same time in a single lane of traffic. Someone always has the right of way, and this means that in most cases, the driver who was in the lane improperly was at fault. There are many reasons a driver might cross the line into opposing traffic:
- The driver did not realize he or she was going the wrong way
- The driver crossed the center line because of distracted or drunk driving
- The driver was passing another vehicle
- The driver was speeding around a curve
- The driver fell asleep at the wheel
There are even cases where a driver deliberately drives on the wrong side of a highway with malicious intent.
Sometimes, however, the driver who was in the wrong lane of traffic is not legally at fault. This might be true if the street was poorly marked or lit, if the driver swerved to avoid an accident, or if the driver’s car malfunctioned.
What kind of injuries are covered by head-on accident claims?
Head-on accident victims can suffer a wide range of injuries, some minor and others life-changing. Some of the most common injuries we see in head-on accidents include:
- Head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
- Broken bones
- Whiplash
- Muscle injuries
- Injuries caused by airbags
- Fatalities
Even if you are lucky enough to “walk away” from a head-on collision, you should always treat your injuries as potentially serious. Injuries such as concussions may not be apparent right away, and muscular injuries often become worse if left untreated. Always see a doctor as soon as possible after any head-on collision.
How much money can I collect?
In Atlanta and the State of Georgia, accident victims are entitled to collect 100 percent of all costs and damages from the party who was at fault. Damages may also be available to the close family members of a person who is tragically killed in a car accident. Some of the common costs that victims recover in head-on crashes include:
- Medical expenses such as doctors, hospitals, surgery and tests
- Prescription medication
- The costs of physical therapy or rehabilitation
- Lost wages to make up for time missed from work
- Damages for wrongful death, if you lost a loved one in the accident
Because of the severity of most head-on collisions, victims are often eligible for much larger financial awards. Basically, the total cost is taken and multiplied by a number to reflect serious losses. These might include damages for pain and suffering, disability or the cost of long-term rehabilitation and care. Of course, money can never compensate you this kind of loss. Its purpose is to reduce financial strain and help you keep moving on with your life.
The insurance company already offered me money. How can a lawyer help me?
Insurance companies are supposed to be your friend in a time of need, but that’s not how they really operate. The money they offer you right after your accident is part of their strategy to make a profit. They hope you’ll take the quick cash and sign away your right to potentially recover even more money later. But when you get that first offer from the insurance company, you haven’t had a chance to find out whether the money they’re offering will really be enough to pay for all your costs.
A car accident lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia can help you evaluate the offer from the insurance company and decide what to do. An experienced lawyer has seen lots of cases like yours and knows the games insurance companies like to play. A lawyer can make sure you get a full evaluation from medical professionals who can predict what your injury is really going to cost, and a lawyer can use this information to negotiate a much better deal with the insurance company. A lawyer is your own insurance against signing away your rights for far too little money.
How do I know if I have a valid head on collision claim?
Most of the time, if you didn’t cause the accident, you have a valid claim. Many people have a tendency to second-guess themselves and think that they must have done something wrong or the accident wouldn’t have happened. Or they write it off to bad luck. But legally, that’s not how things work. In the eyes of the law, accidents don’t just happen—they usually occur because someone was careless. This carelessness is formally known as ‘negligence.” A negligent driver might have been speeding, or under the influence, or paying attention to a cell phone and not the road. It doesn’t matter—the driver is liable and you have a valid claim.
The best way to find out if your claim is valid is to schedule a consultation with an experienced car accident attorney. A good law firm will investigate your accident, build a case in your favor, and use that information to negotiate a fair amount from insurance companies or pursue your case in court
What Happens When You Are Sued After a Car Crash?
If you were involved in a collision, you might wonder what happens when someone sues you after a car accident. Knowing the answer to such scenarios can help you be prepared for anything.
As long as you are insured, the insurance company should handle the car crash claim. However, you may need to step in to offer proof that sustains your version of the events.
You may be relieved to know that the majority of car accident lawsuits end in a settlement agreement before they ever reach court. Nevertheless, if the case ends up before a judge and jury, you will likely have to testify. Having an attorney on your side throughout this process is crucial.
Talk to an Atlanta Head-on Accident Lawyer for Free
Our attorneys have dedicated their entire careers to helping accident victims. We never charge you anything unless we win you money. Let us give you a FREE consultation to help you understand the right next steps for your case—with no obligation. Call us at (404) 341-6555 or fill out the form to the right to get your free consultation today.