A fatal car accident in Johns Creek can impact a victim’s family long into the future. The accident can result in lost income, along with emotional trauma. A victim’s family can seek economic and non-economic damages from anyone responsible for the accident.
An Atlanta car accident lawyer offers legal services for fatal car accidents in Johns Creek. We can put you in touch with a Johns Creek fatal car accident lawyer with many years of experience. This attorney can review a case and help an individual file a wrongful death claim.
How a Johns Creek Fatal Car Accident Case Works
Georgia has laws in place regarding wrongful death claims. Following a fatal auto accident in Johns Creek, a victim’s family can pursue a wrongful death lawsuit. The family can do so if a negligent driver or another party is responsible for the victim’s death.
It is beneficial to meet with a fatal car accident lawyer in Johns Creek to get started with a lawsuit. This attorney can review the facts surrounding a wrongful death claim. Next, this lawyer can offer legal tips, recommendations, and insights.
If an individual wants to file a fatal car accident lawsuit in Johns Creek, their attorney can assist. There is a two-year statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in Georgia. This means a wrongful death lawsuit must be filed within two years of the victim’s death.
What to Expect as a Johns Creek Fatal Car Accident Case Gets Underway
A Johns Creek fatal car accident attorney explains the legal process to their client. The lawyer discusses how long it may take before a fatal auto accident case gets resolved. Also, the attorney works with the plaintiff to establish a legal strategy.
Expect a fatal car accident case in Johns Creek to require months or years to complete. The legal process can be extensive. Fortunately, a fatal car accident attorney in Johns Creek tries to make the most of the time available.
In the time before a trial date, a Johns Creek fatal auto accident lawyer looks at evidence and witness testimony. The lawyer communicates and collaborates with the plaintiff. Together, the lawyer and plaintiff make their case as strong as possible.
How Damages Are Awarded in a Johns Creek Fatal Auto Accident Case
The plaintiff in a fatal car accident case can request economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages refer to compensation awarded for monetary losses such as lost wages or medical bills. Non-economic damages involve money awarded for pain and suffering.
Along with economic and non-economic damages, there are instances in which punitive damages are awarded in fatal car accident cases. Punitive damages are awarded to deter future negligent acts. They can be awarded in conjunction with economic and non-economic damages.
A Johns Creek fatal auto accident lawyer helps a plaintiff pursue the most money possible in a wrongful death lawsuit. There are no caps on economic and non-economic damages in Georgia. Thus, the attorney reviews a plaintiff’s claim and ensures this individual requests an appropriate amount of damages.
Why It Is Important to Hire a Johns Creek Fatal Car Accident Lawyer
A Johns Creek fatal car accident attorney is responsible for showing a judge or jury why a plaintiff should be awarded the maximum amount of damages. To achieve this goal, the lawyer presents evidence and witness testimony to support the plaintiff’s case. The attorney advocates on the plaintiff’s behalf to verify this individual is positioned for legal success.
Hiring a fatal car accident lawyer in Johns Creek allows a plaintiff to avoid legal challenges. If a legal issue arises during litigation, the attorney can address it right away. The attorney and plaintiff can then move past the challenge and continue to look for ways to strengthen their case.
In addition, a fatal auto accident lawyer prioritizes client satisfaction. The attorney works in lockstep with a plaintiff to ensure this individual’s legal needs are met. If a plaintiff has legal concerns or questions, their attorney can respond to them.
How a Johns Creek Fatal Auto Accident Lawyer Handles a Settlement Offer
In the time before a Johns creek fatal auto accident case goes to trial, a plaintiff and defendant can negotiate with one another. If a defendant presents a settlement offer to a plaintiff, it is a good idea to review the proposal. If the proposal is sufficient, a plaintiff can accept the offer and close their case.
A Johns Creek fatal auto accident attorney keeps a plaintiff up to date on any settlement offers. If a defendant comes forward with a settlement proposal, the attorney shares it with the client. The plaintiff then must decide how to proceed with the offer.
The best Johns Creek fatal car accident lawyer encourages a plaintiff to consider the short- and long-term ramifications that come with accepting a settlement proposal. If an offer is well below what a plaintiff is requesting in damage, this individual can reject the proposal. At this point, the lawyer and plaintiff can keep working together to advance their case.
How a Johns Creek Fatal Car Accident Case Gets Decided
If a settlement is not reached before a trial date, a Johns Creek fatal car accident case goes to court. When this happens, the plaintiff and defendant present evidence and witness testimony. A judge or jury then decides if damages will be awarded.
A judge or jury will take as much time as needed to render its decision in a fatal car accident case. If a judge or jury rules in a plaintiff’s favor, this individual will be awarded full or partial damages. The amount of damages awarded varies based on the plaintiff’s level of fault in the accident.
In Georgia, the plaintiff in a wrongful death case can be awarded damages if their level of fault does not exceed the defendant’s. For example, a plaintiff may request $10,000 in damages in a fatal auto accident case in Johns Creek, and a judge or jury determines this individual is 20% responsible. In this scenario, the plaintiff is awarded $8,000 in damages.
Contact a Johns Creek Fatal Car Accident Lawyer Today
Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer is available to help those in need of a Johns Creek fatal auto crash attorney. We can review your case and help you plan accordingly. To request a free consultation, please call us today.