Medical bills may be only one of your worries after a car accident. You may be unable to do your job. You may not be sure if you will be able to go back to work. You may be in pain, or struggling to come to terms with permanent, life-changing injuries. But you should know that you don’t have to pay for your injuries after an accident in Griffin that wasn’t your fault. The law allows you to recover your medical costs and much more. You need to talk to a Griffin car accident lawyer.
Our law firm’s only mission is to help accident victims get the money they need. We have been getting results for decades, and we won’t charge you anything unless we win money for you. Let us give you a FREE consultation. Call us at (404) 341-6555 or fill out the form to the right to get your free consultation today.
How does insurance work in a Griffin car accident?
Unlike some accidents, car accidents are usually covered by an insurance policy. If you own a vehicle in the state of Georgia, you are required to get insurance to cover damage to other vehicles AND accident victims’ injuries. This means that if you are injured in a car accident, there will probably be insurance money available to pay your costs.
However, you should know that the insurance company will not be eager to pay you what your claim is worth. It is important to talk to an experienced car accident lawyer before you agree to take an insurance company check.
How do I know who’s at fault in my accident?
In Georgia, the driver who is “at fault” in an accident is the one that pays. Because of this, insurance companies will want to determine who is fault before deciding who is responsible for the cost of your injuries.
Usually, fault is a matter of driver negligence. Every driver has a legal duty to operate their vehicle in a reasonably careful way. When drivers are careless and cause accidents, they are liable for negligence—even if they never meant to hurt anyone. A driver may be negligent for many reasons, but some of the most common ones include breaking traffic laws, driving while intoxicated, tailgating and distracted driving.
What kind of injuries are covered by car accident claims?
You can recover money for almost any injury in car accident claim, as long as the accident caused it. However, there are a few “classic” car accident injuries. They include:
- Head injuries. A traumatic brain injury is among the most devastating of all car accident injuries. But even a minor concussion can cause serious complications.
- Movies and TV make fun of whiplash victims, but whiplash is a very real and very painful neck injury.
- Soft tissue injuries. These include strains and sprains.
- Broken bones. Broken hands, wrists and face bones are especially common.
Many car accident victims think at first that they haven’t been injured. Then they begin to develop nagging pain, stiffness or dizziness. You shouldn’t ignore these symptoms—they can be signs of something serious, and they can develop into long-term conditions if you don’t treat them. Always get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible after any accident. Seeing a doctor protects your health and also makes it easier for you to make a strong insurance claim.
How do I know if I really have a claim?
It’s common for car accident victims to blame themselves for what happened. Or you may be thinking you were just unlucky. It’s natural to have these thoughts, but that’s not how the law works. Legally, your accident was probably someone’s fault, and the person at fault is responsible for paying for your injuries. Don’t walk away from the money you need—let a car accident lawyer tell you if you have a valid claim.
How much money can I expect to receive?
You can recover all your costs and damages from the driver who caused your accident. The exact amount you will get can vary, depending on how your accident happened and the kinds of injuries you have. However, you can expect to receive money for medical costs, long-term rehabilitation (if any), your damaged car, and any time you missed from work.
Some accident victims receive far more money. If your injuries were serious, it is common to receive additional money for pain, long-term disabilities and other severe losses. If a close family member lost their life in an accident, you may recover wrongful death damages. This money will never bring back what you lost, but it can give you much-needed financial stability as you continue your treatment and plan the next phase of your life.
What if I’ve already got an insurance offer?
The insurance company’s offer may seem good, but they have a different motive. It wants to make a profit, and it will purposely offer you far less than your claim is worth. It hopes you’ll take the money and sign away your rights before you find out what the accident is really going to cost you.
Car accident attorneys in Atlanta, Georgia will look out for your interests and help you avoid the insurance company’s tricks and traps. At our law office, we start every case with an investigation into the way your accident happened and your injuries. We send you to doctors who understand your condition, the treatment you need, and what it will all cost. We build a solid case that we can use to convince the insurance company to give you a fair offer. With a lawyer on your side, you stand to recover far more money than you would typically get on your own.
Talk to a Griffin Car Accident Lawyer for Free
Our lawyers have a long track record of helping accident victims. We never charge you anything if we don’t get money for you. Let us give you a free consultation to talk about your case and explain your rights. Call us at (404) 341-6555 or fill out the form to the right to get your free consultation today.