When a motorcyclist gets into an accident in Griffin, the consequences can be disastrous. A motorcycle does not provide the same degree of protection as an auto vehicle, which is why many motorcycle accidents lead to serious injuries or even death. If you or a loved one was impacted by a motorcycle accident, it’s best to speak with a Griffin motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible.
Our lawyers have over 20 years of experience helping motorcycle accident victims recover money to pay for their medical costs, lost wages, and more. Let us help today, starting with a FREE consultation and case evaluation. Call (404) 341-6555 or contact us online now to get started with your FREE consultation.
How Fault Is Decided in a Griffin Motorcycle Accident
In Georgia, every person on the road has a duty to act in a way that does not put others in harm’s way. This means operating their vehicle responsibly and not taking actions that can lead to an accident. When a driver violates that duty and it leads to accident injuries, the injured party has a right to seek compensation for damages (Georgia Code § 51-1-6).
When someone’s actions (or lack of actions) leads to an injury accident, they are negligent or “at fault” in the accident. The injury victim must be able to prove this fault when seeking compensation. If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident because of another motorist’s negligence, you have the legal right to file a personal injury claim against them.
Proving Fault After a Motorcycle Accident
Most of the time, motorcycle accidents are caused by another driver on the road. Demonstrating the other driver’s fault requires the compilation of evidence from the accident. This is where a Griffin motorcycle accident lawyer can be invaluable.
Your lawyer will begin researching your accident immediately. They will start building a strong case to show how the accident happened, the other driver’s negligence, and all of the damages you face because of the accident. Thankfully, there are ways you can gather evidence, too.
Here are some ways you can begin building your claim after the accident:
- Call the Griffin police department to report the accident (this is required by law if there are injuries).
- Exchange names, driver’s license numbers, and insurance policy information with the other driver(s) in the accident.
- Take pictures of all motorcycle and vehicle damage, your injuries, and the entire accident scene.
- Talk to any witnesses and get their contact information.
- Get medical attention as soon as you can after leaving the scene (or immediately if your injuries are life-threatening).
- Do not apologize or admit any blame in relation to the accident.
- Talk to a trusted motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible.
All of the above can be used as evidence in your case. Many times, it’s pretty obvious that the other driver caused the accident, but it’s better to have more information than you need just in case. Your lawyer can help determine what is more vital from what you’ve collected.
Be Aware of Biases Against Motorcyclists in Griffin
Unfortunately, some drivers have unfair biases against motorcycle riders. They might see them as reckless, careless, or unaware of local laws. This is untrue, but it’s important to stand your ground if you believe you are being blamed for what happened.
The reality is this: motorists are actually more likely to cause motorcycle accidents. They might:
- Cut the motorcyclist off when making a turn
- Not pay enough attention and end up colliding with the motorcycle
- Provide too-little space for the motorcyclist to pass or legally enter a lane
- Drive while distracted (or even intoxicated)
Motorcycles have the same rights to be on Griffin roads as other motorists, and they have the same legal rights to compensation in an accident. It’s in your best interests to be polite with the other driver and police, but avoid apologizing or saying anything that could be interpreted as admitting blame. Instead, get a lawyer on the phone who understands motorcycle accident cases as soon as possible.
Motorcycle Accidents Involving Road Hazards
Although most motorcycle accidents involve other drivers on the roads, some accidents happen from hitting a road hazard that shouldn’t have been there. Uneven roads, potholes, and other obstacles can cause accidents that were still no fault of your own. In these cases, the at-fault party may be a property owner, a business, or the local government.
If you are in an accident from a road hazard, you should still report the accident, take pictures of the scene, and talk to any witnesses. Then, contact a lawyer who can help you further compile details and determine the best course of action.
Damages You Can Recover After a Motorcycle Accident in Griffin
You have the right to seek damages for any losses you face as a result of your accident injuries. Those can include:
- Medical costs from doctor visits, hospital stays, tests, physical therapy, and prescription medications
- Property damage to your motorcycle
- Lost wages from missed work time
- Pain and suffering damages
Motorcycle accidents can be incredibly serious, leaving you with tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. At the same time, you will need to miss work for your treatment, which can just add more stress to your life. It’s best to take action right away and begin building your claim with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer.
How a Griffin Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help You
Many injured motorcyclists wonder if a lawyer is actually necessary after an accident. They might worry about the cost and try to take on their case alone. While this is understandable, it’s actually a huge mistake—and there are options.
Most motorcycle accident lawyers do not require any upfront payment. You also only pay them a fee if they win your case. That means no money is taken directly from your pocket, and you can get legal representation without any risk.
It’s best to have a lawyer from the beginning because they can help you:
- Calculate the full value of your damages, which is often much higher than you thought
- Determine if you have pain and suffering damages, which are hard to calculate but worth a lot
- Gather witness and expert testimony to support your case
- Communicate and negotiate with the other driver’s insurance company on your behalf, so you can focus on healing
- Make sure your case is as strong as possible so you have the best chance at full compensation
Get a Free Consultation with a Griffin Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today
Don’t get stuck dealing with the physical, emotional, and financial burden of a motorcycle accident on your own. Contact us today to get matched with the best motorcycle accident lawyer for your case. Call (404) 341-6555 or contact us online today for a FREE consultation to discuss your options.